Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eratic Retaliation


An`thro*po*mor"phism\, n. [Gr. ? of human form; ? man + ? form.]1. The representation of the Deity, or of a polytheistic deity, under a human form, or with human attributes and affections. 2. The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.

1. When Ismael talks about Anthropomorphism on page 82, he is referring to the fact that humans put their own emotions, feelings, or characteristics into a thing not human. It is like how Ishmael describes the dogs marking its territory and humans assuming that its because it wants to feel like it has a "home". But in reality it is just marking its possessions, not the land itself.


1 comment:

Claire Anne said...

Wow i really liked how you made a blog post about this because after Ishmael explained it I still was kinda unclear about what it meant. I liked how you went into depth, included a dictionary definition, and the picture clarified the topic too!