Friday, March 13, 2009

Data Collection

What struck me about the data my group collected was that a lot of people seemed to think that they were educated about the products they ate. Personally, I believe that their claims were false because if they were really educated on what they eat, then I am sure they wouldn't be as over weight as most of them were. I would like to pursuit their claims with a follow up question to ask them if they know certain common products in their food in order to test their knowledge. 
I however was surprised by the large amount of people that considered Trader Joe's their home store. I didn't think that the numbers would come so close to those who considered Von's their home store. These results did not match my expectations. To my surprise, I was very pleased with the outcome of number of people with Gardens. I didn't expect so many people to be pro home planting. This result was a nice change.

Based on my data I would like to run a campaign that targets the OB farmers market as a great candidate for a grocery store. I shop at the OB farmers market and I am very supportive of the cause. I would like my campaign to target people who are putting "crap" in their bodies. I want to make the consumers aware that the farmers market is a fresh and healthy place to buy locally grown foods. 

1 comment:

Claire Anne said...

I think it's really interesting that your data showed that people believed they were educated too. I believe that they were probably lying too, since it always comes as a suprise to me what horrible chemicals go into my food. Undereducation is a big problem with sustainability...