Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dialectic Journals: Chapters 8-12

1. Shaelyn Washburn
page 91- "The swells were getting bigger; a cold wind had gotten up. We were going no where. I supported Alexandros again as another chocking fit attacked him. He stuck his thumb between his tongue and bit through the flesh until it bled. The pain seemed to steady him."

When I read this passage I totally pictured myself doing that! Whenever I am upset or have to deal with something I don't want to I always dig my fingernails into my palm until I either bleed or draw blood. It sounds kind of creepy but it actually does steady me and balance me. Even if I am dealing with a sore wound or cut by pinching myself it takes my focus away from the main problem even if just for a bit. I think that the author portrays his way of cope very well by saying it "steadies his pain".  However personally for me it doesn't just steady the pain, for me its more of a distraction to get my mind off of something. When I read this I wandered if it is a common trait to cause excess pain to steady yourself. This made me think about how maybe this was a more common way to cope in the past, since now we have many other things like shopping, music, art, ton of more resources to distract pain. I wander what other coping ways they used in the past? This passage raised a lot of connections to my world, I wander if it did the same thing to many other readers? 

2. Shaelyn Washburn 
page 106- "As wolves in a pack take down the fleeing deer, so did the Spartans right fall upon the defenders of Antirhion, no in frenzied shrieking rage, lip-cured and fang-bared, but predator-like, cold-blooded applying the steel with the wordless cohesion of the killing pack and the homicidal efficiency of the hunt."

This passage showed the authors intelligence in so many ways. I was struck in awe of how well his connections through animals portrayed the Spartans in such fitting format. I love how he compares them to predators over wolves. It is smart how he talks about them not just being crazy for the kill and incredibly strong but how he calls them cold-blooded, and a killing pack with homicidal efficiency of the hunt. When I read this I saw the narrator showing strength plus brains. Like how they are smart as humans but with the bodies of animals. I could definitely relate to when he says the lip-curled and fang bared wolves because I have been camping many times and seen animals acting only based on senses and not on smarts. I can relate to seeing wolves out of control just hungry for the kill and not using and approach or strategy of a predator. When I read this it put the Spartans in a whole different perspective for me. I used to imagine the Spartans like wolves but now I picture there attacks more sneaky like alligators that sit barely peeking from the water and are patient for the attack. 

3. Shaelyn Washburn 
page 115- "Then this man returns, alive, out of the slaugher. He hears his name called and comes forward to take his ticket. He reclaims that part of himself that he had earlier left behind." 

When I read this it made me very compassionate for the people who have ever faced death by war. The authors metaphor of setting aside half of your life made me feel sorrow. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be to step out of your world and leave your wife, husband, kids, house, friends, family, and city all behind. I am not able to relate to this because I have never been asked to give up such a thing but I can only imagine that it is the only way. If a man went into war thinking that every spear jabbed towards him could take away everything he loves in one hard contact. If it were me I would be a train wreck. This is exactly the reason why it is necessary for these men to put aside their lives for the time being so that they don't mess up due to human emotions. Life in the dialect journal above... you kind of have to become an animal, drop your emotions to pick up your senses. I wander if this could be a characteristic of a real man... to put aside every desire he has in exchange for the life of his desires. Does this mean that the Spartans were able to love something so much more than themselves? Yes, I think so. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dialectic Journals: Chapters 4-7

1. Shaelyn Washburn [chapter4]
page 21- "Things are fallen, which had stood upright. Things are free which should be bound, and bound which should be free. Things which had been hoarded in secret now blow and tumble in the open, and those who had hoarded them watch them with dull eyes and let them go. Boys have become men, and men boys. Slaves now stand free, and freeman slaves. Childhood had fled." 

This passage of the book really helped me visualize the absolute chaos that went on during this slaughter. It was interesting to me how is seems that chaos is the exact opposite of society. For example in the passage 'everything that should be bound now run free' is stating that when things are not in order of society (bound) everything is chaotic (free). It was as if this invasion turned their entire city inside out. It was scary to think that this book is based on true events and some event in this book still go on today. I may be safe in America for now but what will happen when we are finally invaded? Xeones, Brutiex, and Diomache had to live in the mountains for two years.. and they were the lucky survivors! This chaos in the passage shows how easily society can be broken. It made me think about how quickly it could all be over when huge masses come to destroy. It was also interesting to me how a few paragraphs later in the book it talks about animals being lit on fire. It confused me to think about how pitiless these invaders were. It had to be more than just evilness driving them, maybe it was delusion, or even simply insanity...?

2. Shaelyn Washburn [chapter 5]
page 35- "Never forget Alexandros, that this body, this flesh, does not belong to us. Thank God it doesn't. If I thought this stuff was mine, I would not advance another pace towards the enemy. But it is not our my friend, it belongs to the Gods and to our children. Our fathers, mothers, and those of Lakedameon, a hundred, and a thousand yet unborn. It belongs to the city hat gives us all we have and demands no less in requital."

This passage struck me because it is Dinekes explaining his view of himself. He is totally selfless in the fact that he doesn't even consider his body to belong to him, but a gift from the Gods to protect his city and those within it to honor the Gods. I find it a neat opinion to look at life in this theory because it seems to give a load of courage to him. For example when he says "If this stuff was mine, I would not advance another pace towards the enemy" it shows how he figures that he is not living a life for himself and that this life has no purpose in serving himself but in serving  his city. It seems to give him grave courage and he does not fear death because of this. I wander if maybe this is what makes him a man? A characteristic of a man is to not be a coward and Dienekes shows no fear in his selflessness. If he however was selfish and wanted to live he would be a coward. I cannot relate to this passage because I live in a town where men do not have to show that they are a man in their day-to-day lives. I find it interesting how much manlier men were in earlier times. I do still believe that there are times to prove that you are a man (in war, hard situations, etc.) but it is not as common. Would man from today's time would be considered a boy in Lakedameon? What would a boy from Lakedameon be considered in our world? 

3. Sahelyn Washburn [Chapter 7]
page 43- " My intent is to simply convey, through the experiences of two young children and a slave, some poor measure of the soul terror and devastation which a vanquished population, any population, is forced to endure during the hour of its nations extinction."

This passage really stuck me with its impactful use of vocabulary. The words like 'soul-terror' and 'nations extinction' were a lot more impactful then 'scary' or 'defeat'. I think that the author does a beautiful job at portraying the absolute horror he is trying to communicate to his majesty. This passage however not only impressed me with its vocabulary but it stung me with its pain. The way he explains how hard it is to covey his experiences makes them even more unfortunate. Things were so bad that he couldn't even describe them through words let alone stories. It pained me when I thought about how good I have it compared to children like this who still exist today, who absolutely never get a break in life! Its bad enough that both of his parents died but on top of that, his town was destoryed, his love was raped and doesn't love him back, his slave friend Bruteix died, he is crippled, and now he cant even fight as a warrior against the ones he seeks vengeance. It made me realize how stupid our everyday problems that we complain over are. Now a days people actually cry over a pair of lost earings! This passage made me think... Have we cheapened sorrow? What is our pain compared to their pain? How would we handle their kind of stress in today's life? We have coaping methods, what were their coaping methods? 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Election: 2008!

Being a republican who lives in one of the most democratic states of America can get really annoying. I was raised to be on the far right wing with two republican parents. Living in California has opened my eyes to the democratic world. As much as I wish I could agree with my neighbors opinions, listening to them talk only makes me more republican.
I wish I could be a democrat and have the excuse to say, "We want peace, not war." However I think that the war is a lot more complicated then Americans just wanting to destroy peoples happiness. I believe that the war is not made just so we can get oil. I think that we are trying to fix their corrupt government. As much as I do wish the war would stop, I do believe it has to be done. They stone people to death for committing adultery. They will kill themselves just to kill one American family. We are not trying to bombard their country, we are trying to help the children who are killed daily in drive by bombings. Americans aren't cowards and if we run away from helping these people they wont just say "Oh now they are gone and we can go back to living happy lives" I am sure that they will follow us into America trying to destroy us with schemes like September 11th. I'm not fond of being in war, I just think of it as something that has to be done. However trying to awnser the war in a few short paragraphs is impossible.  There are many other reasons why I am a republican, many having to do with christianity. I am 100% against abortion. No acceptions. Not for rape, not for accidents. A baby has every right to be born as we do. 

I believe that the power should be in the people not in the government. When the money goes to powerful people, there is no telling how corrupt things may get. ex. four judges overturned the votes of 60 million people's vote. 

*** I found this article, "ten good things about high gas prices," I though it was interesting.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pictures & My Hero

1. I like this photo a lot because I think that shadows are a good representation of who people truly are. For instance this shadow shows the person being really big therefore showing that although he may be small in person his soul is big and courageous. Shadows can show many thing in people. I also like pictures of people who may be standing plane with headphones listening to music but there shadow is photoshoped into the person dancing like crazy. I think having a shadow that doesn't match your pose is very artistic.

Picture For Blurb: look up :]
Blurb: A hero is someone who can put others before themselves while consciously aware that they will end up last.
Malia is a beautiful, A+, model student, who refuses to let life’s unfortunate events control her. On November 5th 2007 she was diagnosed with enlarged Ventricles. It was pure luck that she came in only months before it would have led her to her death.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Preview, Predict, Code: Secret Life Of Bees

Title- I think that the title is a deeper metaphor relating to a way of life in the book. I think bees represent something important.
Cover- On the front cover I see 4 black people standing close together all smiling except one. On one of the smiling black ladies I see a white girl sitting on her shoulders, this white girl looks like she fits in with the black family.
Inside cover- The cover states that this book is about a girl finding the history of her mothers past. I think that she will discover something about bees in her mothers past.
Chapters- There are 14 chapters all of which incluse a metaphor at the top of the page. I think that the metaphor will forshadow things in the story.
Length- The book is roughly three hundred pagess, the print is small and so are the pages. Maybe it takes a while to describe the mothers past.
Genre- I think that this book will be realistic fiction because it seems like it is based on humans but may or may not be true. I think this because it seems like a classic tale about people redisocering who they are and a deeper meaning of life.
Book- I think this book is going to be about the metaphorical meaning of life and how someone changes over time and becomes wiser. I think this because the title seems to have a deeper meaning.
Easy?- I think thast this book would normally be easy for me because it seems interesting and books that keep my interest, I am able to read very quickly and understand well. However I am reading another book right now so I am hoping that I dont get these two book's storyline mixed up.
Enjoyable- I think I will enjoy it because it seems interesting, however I would much rather prefer not to read two books at one time so that part might be hard for me. I think I will be able to enjoy it however once I get the storyline straight.
Start- I think that this book is going to start will a flashback of her mothers death to keep the reader interested, then I think it will start making the foundation of the girls life so it can build off of it.
Accuracy- My predictions were very accurate. I guess the overall theme of the book, however I did not anticipate all of the twists and turns. I overall was right about the deeper meaning of life part.
Predictions- I was most right about my prediction of the bees. I predicted that they would have a deeper meaning in life. The bees turned out to represent many different characters in the book. I was also very correct of my predictions of the start of the book, I guess how the book would start with a flash back and build a foundation and although the order of this was wrong, I was correct about what happened in the beggining.
Less accurate- I did miss alot of characteristics about the book including: time period, racism, female communtiy, and religion. I think that i missed this because In order to understand the religion in the book the author has to use many pages to describe it. However I do think that if I looked more carfully I would have noted that there were all girls, also that there were 4 black women and only white woman which incorperate famlae community and something to do with race or racism.
Overall I definatly enjoyed this book. The author was very good at playing the roll of a 14 year old. I would definatly recomend this story to any reader who wants an interesting story line which incoperates many strong points and twists.

Friday, October 3, 2008

LDW: Alliteration

At the lock in last weekend, I depended on sleep'n. I could not comprehend, my best friends descend on my amend to stay awake. for the sake of the ache in my eyes made me take her by surprise. It was unwise to disguise my wish for demise. In the end it was fine, maybe it was a sign designed to resign us for tomorrow.

Tomorrow we had soccer, surely it would be a shocker if we didn't win, we intend to defend our name holding no shame as undefeated. As a team we are completed, never cheated, together we are heated when we are greeted no need to repeat it. We take the ball, we will sprawl and maul the other team will recall as they fall off the field, trying to shield their unhealed wounds that we have peeled. The other team will fear as our adhere teams cheer. You better hope your on my team dear.

As An Additional Adhesive to add alliteration I am writing this perfectly pretty paragraph. It should be something able to show some simple sentences of alliteration so you know I know what alliteration is.
-Beautiful Babies build blocks by Big kids kind help.
-Born Beauty is not bad but bad behavior can make you icky
-Bad Bigots should burn their minds free of racists comments
-Boys burden big barriers when asking beautiful babes hand in marriage