Thursday, October 16, 2008

Election: 2008!

Being a republican who lives in one of the most democratic states of America can get really annoying. I was raised to be on the far right wing with two republican parents. Living in California has opened my eyes to the democratic world. As much as I wish I could agree with my neighbors opinions, listening to them talk only makes me more republican.
I wish I could be a democrat and have the excuse to say, "We want peace, not war." However I think that the war is a lot more complicated then Americans just wanting to destroy peoples happiness. I believe that the war is not made just so we can get oil. I think that we are trying to fix their corrupt government. As much as I do wish the war would stop, I do believe it has to be done. They stone people to death for committing adultery. They will kill themselves just to kill one American family. We are not trying to bombard their country, we are trying to help the children who are killed daily in drive by bombings. Americans aren't cowards and if we run away from helping these people they wont just say "Oh now they are gone and we can go back to living happy lives" I am sure that they will follow us into America trying to destroy us with schemes like September 11th. I'm not fond of being in war, I just think of it as something that has to be done. However trying to awnser the war in a few short paragraphs is impossible.  There are many other reasons why I am a republican, many having to do with christianity. I am 100% against abortion. No acceptions. Not for rape, not for accidents. A baby has every right to be born as we do. 

I believe that the power should be in the people not in the government. When the money goes to powerful people, there is no telling how corrupt things may get. ex. four judges overturned the votes of 60 million people's vote. 

*** I found this article, "ten good things about high gas prices," I though it was interesting.


Taylor said...

haha, i was raised around democrat views,and now that im going for mccain everyone is annoying me about being republican even though im not. I know how you feel about it being annoying >.< But! I totally agree with the crisis of war. Very nice blogpost!!!!!!

Kaeoss said...

Republicans FTW ¬_¬

Very nice blog. With a little more effort and more charisma, you can run for president (LOL)

Gabe said...

"Being a republican who lives in one of the most democratic states of America can get really annoying" just think, and you live in the most republican part of California. But I like how in this post, you actually talk about the political party you support and why you support them.

Dominic said...

OMG!!! Shaelyn, I totally agree with the things that you said on your blog.

I never really wanted to say that I saw republican and pro life because it seems that everybody in our class, including Charlotte, is the total opposite of that!!

caprisun said...

Shaelyn i thought this was excellent! i grew up in a republican house and still to this day i agree with everything your writing moved me even more to be a republican. good job :-)