Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Preview, Predict, Code: Secret Life Of Bees

Title- I think that the title is a deeper metaphor relating to a way of life in the book. I think bees represent something important.
Cover- On the front cover I see 4 black people standing close together all smiling except one. On one of the smiling black ladies I see a white girl sitting on her shoulders, this white girl looks like she fits in with the black family.
Inside cover- The cover states that this book is about a girl finding the history of her mothers past. I think that she will discover something about bees in her mothers past.
Chapters- There are 14 chapters all of which incluse a metaphor at the top of the page. I think that the metaphor will forshadow things in the story.
Length- The book is roughly three hundred pagess, the print is small and so are the pages. Maybe it takes a while to describe the mothers past.
Genre- I think that this book will be realistic fiction because it seems like it is based on humans but may or may not be true. I think this because it seems like a classic tale about people redisocering who they are and a deeper meaning of life.
Book- I think this book is going to be about the metaphorical meaning of life and how someone changes over time and becomes wiser. I think this because the title seems to have a deeper meaning.
Easy?- I think thast this book would normally be easy for me because it seems interesting and books that keep my interest, I am able to read very quickly and understand well. However I am reading another book right now so I am hoping that I dont get these two book's storyline mixed up.
Enjoyable- I think I will enjoy it because it seems interesting, however I would much rather prefer not to read two books at one time so that part might be hard for me. I think I will be able to enjoy it however once I get the storyline straight.
Start- I think that this book is going to start will a flashback of her mothers death to keep the reader interested, then I think it will start making the foundation of the girls life so it can build off of it.
Accuracy- My predictions were very accurate. I guess the overall theme of the book, however I did not anticipate all of the twists and turns. I overall was right about the deeper meaning of life part.
Predictions- I was most right about my prediction of the bees. I predicted that they would have a deeper meaning in life. The bees turned out to represent many different characters in the book. I was also very correct of my predictions of the start of the book, I guess how the book would start with a flash back and build a foundation and although the order of this was wrong, I was correct about what happened in the beggining.
Less accurate- I did miss alot of characteristics about the book including: time period, racism, female communtiy, and religion. I think that i missed this because In order to understand the religion in the book the author has to use many pages to describe it. However I do think that if I looked more carfully I would have noted that there were all girls, also that there were 4 black women and only white woman which incorperate famlae community and something to do with race or racism.
Overall I definatly enjoyed this book. The author was very good at playing the roll of a 14 year old. I would definatly recomend this story to any reader who wants an interesting story line which incoperates many strong points and twists.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

I was continually shocked at how well the author wrote as a 14 year old. She actually brought me back over and over to feeling like I was 14 again. It's cool that you felt the same.