Ecological intelligence is our ability as humans to understand that buying and wasting products on a non infinite planet is unrealistic. As stated from Coleman, "We no longer have the luxury of living life without making an impact on our planet". This is important because we must take care of our planet and keep resources available to our future children.
This project connects to our essential questions in humanities class because it is showing people not only a problem, but a solution. It is creating awareness through media (newspaper) just as we are creating awareness through our ads campaign! I also think that this article targets the question... "How could we live more sustainably?", through various solutions!!
I think that I am doing an excellent job at raising my ecological intelligence through my humanities class; however although I am educated on the subject, I am still in the process of moving from thinking about the problem... to helping create a solution. I think that I could definitely become more active in this subject because I have a passion for it. If I got off my butty and started to put my thoughts into action, I could do a lot to not only help my community, but to help others help theirs.
I like how you used a quote from the article and how you said you said to put your thought into action because anyone can say that they will do something how ever to put it into action is a whole other thing.
The quote you used really helped get a understanding of what your trying to convey
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