Author: Shaelyn Washburn
Genre: Sci-fi/horror
Pages: 5
Mentor Texts: My ideas were extremely original in this process but I got 2 ideas from mentor texts. The first idea was... How I should describe Jay as (the boy in the beggining of the story). I chose in the end to describe his character just like Danny Phontoms character.

Danny Phantom is the character of a boy who is a nerd who is constantly teased in real life, however he can turn into a ghost and become very powerful. My second idea from mentor text was the idea of the charcter Predator from the movie Predator.

The character of predator is a mean nasty one of a kind creature. Literally its name speaks for itself, it is a predator and humans and any other type of life are its prey. I got my idea for predrag (the creature that Jay turns into) from predator because I wanted predrag to be one of a kind and a unique powerful killing creature.
Audience: This book is directed towards mainly teenages interested in sci-fi or a kind or horror fiction. This book can also be read by adult with a broad imagination. Readers usually should be at least over ten to understand the story.
The Writing Process: During The writing process I began by brainstorming up a total of 3 unique fiction stories. After asking around to my piers and seeing which interested them most I chose the story "From Boy to Monster". I wrote up 3 drafts of this story, each time changing the story plot slightly and trying to figure out the best ending and I kept punctuating. After the story was completed at my best I brought it to my parents to look over and comment. After taking the comments into serious comsideration I took my story to my teacher and she reviewed it. After many days of very difficult work I finaly ended up with a 5 page story.
The publishing Process: The publishing process was particularly difficult in this situation. My story is a sci-fi/ horror and not alot of magazines takein that genre. After days of searching for a publisher I came across the website: I created an acoount and I register my story to be viewed by the public. However first I find a disclaimer right so that no one could use my story. My disclaimer states: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended. Once the story was published with my disclaimer I am not awaiting anyone on the review and comment my story. To view my story and my story profile click here