Dascha, a friend, a companion, a listener, a protector, a dog. One simple 4 legged creature that can bring more security, trust, hope, and protection than most humans. Dascha is more than a pet, she is a body guard. No matter where I go, she will always follow me. No matter what I do, she will always protect me.
Dascha is a pure bread German shepherd. When I walk Dascha, most people clear my path or cross the street out of fear from her because German shepherds are known for their training and ability to attack. It is a securing sight to see a grown man stop in his path, hesitate, and then turn around all because a 13 year old girl is walking her German shepherd dog.
Although she may seem vicious, she has another side to her, a much sweeter and innocent side. Only people who do not fear her are able to see the sweeter side of her. She communicates happiness, not through words or facial expressions, but when she barks or makes that high pitched sound, like dogs do when they are happy; it is like you can understand her perfectly. Dogs have a way or expressing emotions. We can read theirs and they can read ours.
Dogs can also give you a sense of security. When it is late and I am home alone just listening to her pace from room to room, trying to find the coolest place to sleep, it can relieve me. Just knowing that she is there will take my mind off my fear long enough to fall asleep.
Dogs bring us so much happiness that, as humans, we try to return the favor. Even though we know a five minute belly scratch each night would never give them as much happiness as they give us, we still try to do something nice. If you have ever felt joy as you rush your fingers through a dog’s thick layer of fur and you can feel every hair pass your fingers, you know how good the dog feels. That alone brings us even more joy. Just knowing that you are increasing their love for you brings you and your dog closer than ever.
I hope I have made Dascha happy because I love her like a sister. Even though she can’t understand what I am saying, I know she is listening when I talk to her. When I am afraid I know she can sense my fear and that is another reason why I feel safe around her. She knows when I am sad, scared, angry, and happy. I feel like when I am scared she is glad to protect me. And she feels power also, just by making sure I am safe. There is more to dogs then most people think. Make sure everyday you thank God for yours because you don’t know what you are missing until it is gone.
That was my querencia clipboard I had to pick something that i love to do, somewhere I lover to go, or something I love to love. I chose my dog, dascha. For this project we had to make our clipboards look like our querencia so I mad mine like my dog by putting a german shephard sowed to the back.
I hope you enjoyed my querencia :) .